01773 852165

School Dinners

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

The government's school food plan provides funding for government-funded primary schools in England to offer a free lunch to every child in their reception classes, year 1 and year 2.

Derbyshire County Council catering team provide our school meals.Our pupils love our wholesome home cooked meals. They exceed current Government Standards and hold the quality mark "Food for Life Served Here". 

All our menus are scrutinised annually by the Soil Association to ensure all their criteria for the Food For Life Served Here award regarding the provenance and preparation of our food continue to be met.

We want our pupils to enjoy all the good stuff; vegetables, fresh fruit, bread and drinking water are available freely every day.

Special and Medical diets can be catered for please call the School Office for more information.


Theme Days

Theme days and promotions are very popular with children as they enjoy trying different dishes from around the world. We hold theme days throughout the school year with the aim of making lunch times a little different and to create more fun in the school meals' service.


Don't miss out on our theme days - come and join in the fun! 


Pupil premium funding

Pupil premium funding is additional funding for schools to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in England.

Pupil premium is not a personal budget allocated to individual eligible pupils. It's funding awarded to schools based on the number of eligible pupils on roll. It is at the discretion of the school leaders to determine how best to spend the pupil premium within the requirements of the conditions set by the government.

The link between free school meals and pupil premium funding

All infant pupils are entitled to free school meals. However, it's still important that schools know which infant pupils meet the benefit criteria for free school meals. This is because the school receives pupil premium and formula funding based on the number of pupils that are eligible for free school meals.


Applying for free school meals


Derbyshire County Council use the Department for Education's free school meals eligibility checking system, meaning you will receive an instant result notification and the school will be informed.

To apply, you will be required to register and provide:

  • your National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service Reference Number
  • your family name
  • your date of birth
  • you may also be required to upload a copy of your benefit document

For more information please visit Free school meals and Pupil Premium funding - Derbyshire County Council 





Autumn /Winter 2023 menu


Derbyshire Catering leaflet
