Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The School Governors represent different aspects of our community.
As Governors we are interested in your view of the school and any improvements you would like to see take place.
The Governing Board of our school plays an important role in supporting the Headteacher, school staff and parents/carers.
Together with the Headteacher, the Governors help set the future direction for the school and decide how the school's budget should be best spent to facilitate this. They also make decisions on performance targets, school policies and the school's development plan.
Co-Chairs: Mrs Elaine Brennan & Mrs Claire Ganthony. Vice Chair: Mrs Sophy Barnes
Staff Governors A staff Governor can be any member of staff, teaching or support and is elected by other members of staff. Miss Julie Kirk - term of office: Whilst in post Miss Paige Farley - term of office: 14.07.23 - 13.07.27
Foundation Governors As a church school, our Foundation Governors, are appointed through the local church, St Mary's. Mrs Lynn Penson - term of office: 15.09.22-14.09.26 Mrs Sophy Barnes (Vice Chair) - term of office: 20.07.23 - 19.07.27
Co-Opted Governors Co-Opted Governors are appointed to represent the local community interest in the school and can also include representatives from the local Parish Council. Mrs Sarah Wallis - term of office: 16.03.23 - 15.03.27 Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy |
Parent Governors Any parent/carer of a pupil at the school is eligible to stand for election as a Parent Governor for the school. Other parents/carers elect the Parent Governors. Mrs Claire Ganthony (Co Chair of Governors) - term of office 27.10.23 - 26.01.27 Ms Kate Allen - term of office 20.06.24 - 19.06.28 Vacancy |
Local Authority Local Authority Governors are appointed by the Local Authority and can be from any walk of life, and not necessarily live in the area. Mrs Elaine Brennan (Co Chair of Governors) - 27.04.23 - 26.04.27 |
Associate Members Associate members of our board who bring skills and expertise, but do not have voting rights. |
The following Governors /Associate members are no longer in post, but have been part of our Governing Board in the last 12 months. Ms Kate Clemens, Parent Governor 20.03.20 - 19.03.24 Ms Steph Janes, Parent Governor 27.01.23 - 21.03.24 Miss Harriet Head, Associate Staff Member 19.10.23 - 31.07.24 Mrs Sue Rix (Chair of Governors) - term of office: 17.09.20 - 16.09.24 |
We have vacancies on our Governing Board and are looking for members of our local community who are willing to give their time to join our friendly team in supporting our school. Click here for more information.
Any of our Governors can be contacted via the school office, or via
Governor Impact Report 2023/24
Governors for 2023/24 have no declarations of Interest.
Attendance for 2023/24
Our Governing Board
Several years ago, we adopted the “Circle Model” as our model of Governance, which means that we meet as a full board on a more regular basis – we plan for 9 times a year, and we do not have specific committees. We have link governors who look at different aspects of our responsibilities in more detail. Their recommendations are taken to full Governing Board for discussion/approval. Link Governors have responsibility for reporting back to Full Governing Board within 2 distinct areas – Curriculum & Learning and Finance & Resources.
In addition to their Link roles on, Governors observe class teaching, undertake school visits/ learning walks. We undertake an annual skills audit, to confirm that we have a good range of skills, experiences and backgrounds, reflecting our local community. This also gives us an opportunity to address any training needs we may have, and how they can be met.
C&L - Curriculum, Assessment & Data
Mrs Claire Ganthony |
F&R - Facilities, Equipment, Health & Safety
Mrs Claire Ganthony, Mrs Sarah Wallis & Miss Paige Farley |
C&L - Distinctiveness, Religious Education & Collective Worship
Mrs Sophy Barnes & Mrs Lynn Penson |
F&R - Finance & Budget
Mrs Susanna Bradbury & Mrs Sarah Wallis |
C&L - Inclusion, Equality & Safeguarding
F&R - Personnel, Staffing, Appraisal & Performance Management
Mrs Sarah Wallis, Mrs Susanna Bradbury |