01773 852165

Who's Who in Crich Church of England Infant School

Crich Church of England Infant School has 2 Classes
Currently we have 53 pupils on roll
Our Staff

Headteacher - Miss J Kirk (Designated Safeguarding Leader and SENDCO)

Reception & Year 1 Class (Saplings) Teacher - Mrs J Snape (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader)

Year 1 & Year 2 Class (Oaks) Teacher - Miss P Farley

Teaching and Learning Assistant - Mrs A Cope

Teaching and Learning Assistant/Wrap Around Care - Mrs L Robinson

School Business Officer - Mrs S James

Mid-day Supervisors - Mr Casement, Miss J Kirk and Mrs S James

Lunch Server/Wrap Around Care - Mrs J Sulley

Caretaker - Mr Plews


Our Governors
More information on our Governor's Page

Executive Pay 

No school employee has an annual salary of £100,000 or more.