01773 852165


In the teaching of mathematics we aim to provide a happy, secure and stimulating environment, which encourages every child to progress to the best of their ability and promote a positive attitude towards mathematics in their everyday lives:-
Units of work for each term are based on five strands:-

  1. Numbers and the number system
  2. Calculations
  3. Solving problems
  4. Measures, Shapes and Space
  5. Handling data

A variety of commercial and school prepared resources are used to help in the teaching of both mathematics and Literacy.
We organise this following four key principles:-

  1. A daily lesson of between 45-60 minutes, consisting of three parts:-
    • mental/oral starter as a warm-up
    • main activity
    • plenary to re-enforce the lesson
  2. Direct teaching and interactive oral work with the whole class and groups
  3. An emphasis on mental calculation
  4. Work on a common mathematical theme but at different levels to suit the range of abilities of children in the class. 

Written calculations methods used in school
We have listed the calculation methods that are introduced as your child moves through school.  The methods are focused on your child's understanding the why and how these methods work/  This requires an in depth knowledge of place value - that is what each digit represents for instance the 5 in 567 represents 500.
Using the latest advice and Good practice guides from OFSTED we have broken down the calculation methods into small steps so that they will be understood by the vast majority of our children.  We have placed the documents in year groups your child will be introduced to those methods that are most appropriate for them to build up their knowledge.  Therefore if your child is ready for the next steps they will be taught them
Number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20 as well as the 2, 5 and 10 times table are essential number facts that your child needs to recall and these will support their calculations.
If you require any further support please contact your child's class teacher.

Reception Mathematics Overview


Year 1 Mathematics Overview
